Supporting corporate globalisation
through IT and English


Cybernation's entire team members, including managers and new employees, work together to build "One Team", based on the vision of "Diversity & Inclusion".



Cybernation aims to create synergies and core values by hiring and developing diverse human resources, cooperating and collaborating with diverse industries, and embracing diverse personalities and creativity of the company and employees.


Cybernation actively incorporates opinions and ideas of diverse human resources and companies, builds collective intelligence, and creates a corporate culture that maximizes customer satisfaction.


Cybernation’s entire team members, including managers and new employees, work together to build “One Team”, based on the vision of “Diversity & Inclusion”.



Cybernation aims to create synergies and core values by hiring and developing diverse human resources, cooperating and collaborating with diverse industries, and embracing diverse personalities and creativity of the company and employees.


Cybernation actively incorporates opinions and ideas of diverse human resources and companies, builds collective intelligence, and creates a corporate culture that maximizes customer satisfaction.

Core Values

We have three core values: “Commitment, Involvement and Inspiration”
This means that we always take responsibility for the work we are given, actively participate in it and respect each other. The general organisation is a pyramid of hierarchical relationships, such as president → general manager → section manager → employee. The Company’s organisation aims to operate in a flat structure with a left-right relationship, with the President – General Manager – Section Chief – Employee, etc. having different roles. The flat type of organisation is characterised by the delegation of authority to the lower levels of the organisation, with each employee acting with independence.


We always work responsibly and make every effort to achieve the maximum result.


We are always actively involved in the work we do with a great sense of responsibility.


We always inspire each other, respect each other, and boost our morale to improve the quality of our work.

About the organisation

In December 2022, Cybernation Co.,Ltd. transferred its capital holdings to Cyber Group Management Co.,Ltd. As a result, Cybernation Co.,Ltd. has restarted as an operating company of Cyber Group Management Co.,Ltd.
Cybernation Co.,Ltd. introduced a two-company system – Global ICT Service Company/Solution Company – in September 2022 with the aim of ‘speeding up decision-making, improving organisational capabilities, developing management personnel and increasing the value of operating companies’.